
Product suitcase

How we do it

The results


The Sword way

The clients who trust sWORD
Carter's black logo
QBE's black logo
Generali's black logo
Cisco's black logo

What we offer

Product Capabilities
24/7 access to a Doctors of Physical Therapy for help with sudden pain
Single app for all users
TENS device to temporarily numb pain



2 Study Results on Medical Cost Savings Conducted by Risk Strategies Consulting, June 2024


3 ROI Explanation: The return on investment (ROI) is calculated as the untruncated gross medical savings ($3,012) divided by program fees ($989) as reported in the study. This calculation is based on the study's specific data.


4 Surgery Reduction: Surgery reduction figures are based on comparative studies between Sword participants and a control group receiving traditional care.

Portugal 2020Norte 2020European UnionPlano de Recuperação e ResiliênciaRepública PortuguesaNext Generation EU